Friday, 30 December 2011

Di Anggap 12 tahun ?! OMAIIGADD !

HAHA ! malang nya nasib aqu jadi kecil ni .. haha ! aqu bukan jua pendek banar sampai mau kena fikir tahun 6 ! xD ! ada hri tu , kawan mama aqu tegur mama aqu dia cakap '' DARJAH berapa ni ?'' sambil tunjuk tempat aqu .. haha ! duii maa ! aqu hanya mampu senyum .. xD ! hha ! macam mau OLIMPIK , lari jauh-jauh dari sana ! ahha ! punya main malu aqu . mama aqu pun balas sambil ketawa-ketawa '' haha ! sampai htimu cakap anak qu macam atu .. aha ! pun qau cakap tingkatan berapa , inda jua apa-apa . ani , DARJAH berapa ! ahhaha ! tingkatan 3 suda ni ..'' hha ! GILA ! malu , malu , malu , malu , malu ! ahha ! hanya tu sajayang dapat aqu cakap .. ahhaha ! dalam hati aqu , aqu cakap '' hello ! i'm 15 okeii .. '' ahha ! tuhan saja tau macam mana perasaan aqu masa tu . haha ! tapi , satu ayat yang melegakan aqu . kata makcik tu '' haha ! sorry taa . x qu tau . tapi , bisai ta . CUMEL di liat . hhaa ! '' okeii laa , i have to off now . update post d sini pun tengah-tengah malam .. haha ! selamat malam DIARY qu .. LOVE U ! btw, tguk gmbar saya tu . macam budak kecil kaa ? haha !

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Promote Blog Dekat FB ! =D

huhu ='( follower saya baru sikit haha! but , never mind laa .. haha ! by the way , hari nii saya baru upgrade saya punya blog .. cantik kaa ? haha ! inda juga kan ? tapi , saya suka . =) ! em , saya baru juga promote saya punya link dekat fb . tapi , blum ada respond ! haha ! xD ! bikin malu saja kan ? haha ! tapi , sabar saja laa .. mna tau ada respon nanti ! hopefully !

Monday, 26 December 2011

First Time Blogging !

Hello , my name is dg nur syafiqah bt ag momin . i'm 15 years old . i was born on year 1996 . i live in Malaysia , sabah ,  papar . my birthday date is at 18 September 1996 . i thnk i'm too young to have my own blog . haha ! by the way , i creating a blog because i want to share my life story with u all blogger . even though my english is BROKEN , i hope u all understand what i'm trying to say .. this is my second blog . actually , i have two blog but the first one i was forgot the password tha's why i can't open it .. clumsy yaa me .. =p haha !
i want to introduce my self to u all blogger . even though , i was NEW in this blogger website , i think i have already know how to use this blog properly . blog is a website that is same like our diary . we can post anything we want . even our LOVE story , HAPPY story , SAD storry and more . but , this DIARY is more special we can share our story with averyone . haha ! not a SECRET anymore . okeii , i have to off my finger from typing many latter .. haha ! okeii , if u want to share ur blog to me and also want me to follow your blog , just sent me ur link at my facebook '' c'babypeykachu '' or want to know more about my life story , just follow me .. =)